Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Lynisa: Senior Session

Yesterday, a client told me she could tell that what I do is my passion, where my heart is, not just my "job". Everyday I think about how blessed I am to do what I love, but it makes me happy that people can see that in me. :)

Lynisa's shoot was one of those sessions that made my mind race with ideas; I felt like I was able to think in new ways. We had ridiculously amazing light and as you can see Lynisa is gorgeous! (A big thanks to Crystal for being the on-sight make up/hair stylist... and just for being awesome.)

So cute!

I love the way the light is coming in behind her on this old stairway.

Favorite! The light, the itty bitty flare, her perfect smile! This image is so simple but I love it!

Ok... tied for favorite :)

Stunning much?? Isn't that dress beautiful??

Thanks again, Lynisa!! I had so much fun and I'm so happy with your photos!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nisa looks soo pritty!! You did aan awesome job :)